The 3 Ps of First Aid Explained

3 Ps of First Aid Explained

Do you know what to do if someone has a heart attack or injures themselves at your workplace? Acting quickly in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death. But it’s hard to know how one will respond until faced with such a situation.

The 3 Ps of First Aid were developed to tackle this problem. They give a first-aider a set of easy-to-follow steps in an emergency. In this article, we look closely at the 3 Ps of First Aid and explain how they could be helpful to you should the worst happen.

The 3 Ps of First Aid

The 3 Ps of First Aid stand for Preserve life, Prevent deterioration and Promote recovery. They are essential knowledge for any first-aider but also useful for any employee to know. After all, you never know when an accident might happen.

The three Ps relate to simple first-aid techniques that anyone can do without prior training. They aim to prevent serious injuries and infection and provide aid that could save someone’s life. Let’s take a closer look at each one of the 3 Ps of First Aid.

First Aid at Work

Our First Aid at Work Course provides a thorough understanding of a practical approach in case of emergency without putting oneself in a dangerous situation. It explores the key concepts of first aid at work to help save lives in case of hazardous conditions and comply with the law.

The First P - Preserve Life

The immediate aim of first aid is to preserve a person’s life. However, the first thing you should do in an emergency is to preserve your own life. You should assess the situation to ensure there are no life-threatening hazards to yourself or anybody else in the area. If you can’t approach the ill or injured person safely, you must stand back and wait until help arrives.

If the initial assessment of the environment shows no potential risks, a responder should approach the injured or ill person and follow the ABC steps:

  • Airway – Make sure the person has an unobstructed airway
  • Breathing – Ensure that the person is breathing
  • Circulation – Evaluate the person’s circulation

The Second P - Prevent Deterioration

Preventing deterioration involves taking steps to ensure the person’s condition does not worsen. This means that first aiders should aim to keep the injured or ill person stable until paramedics or medical staff arrive.

This can involve:

  • Cleaning wounds
  • Performing CPR
  • Giving sugar to a diabetic
  • Stopping any bleeding
  • Taking care of a person who is having a seizure
  • Preventing a broken limb from moving
  • Remove any hazards in the area that can be removed if it’s safe to do so
  • Prevent deterioration – this can be as simple as comforting the person until help arrives
first aiders aims

The Third P - Promote Recovery

After a responder has provided as much aid as they can, they should then take steps to promote recovery. Depending on the situation, there may be a variety of things you can do to help an injured or ill person. If they’re conscious, the responder needs to ask for their consent before providing any assistance.

The first step to promote recovery is encouraging the person to be confident. This means helping them to not lose heart, assuring them that help will arrive and that they will recover. Many people go into shock after an injury or suffering a sudden illness. Comforting words of encouragement can help to lessen the effects of shock.

Other ways to assist that help promote recovery include:

  • Administering pain relief
  • Keeping a person’s head or limbs supported
  • Applying cooling agents to a burn
  • Wearing gloves to prevent the spread of infection
  • Disinfecting any wounds

Remember that a responder is not expected to provide the same level of care as a medical professional. Their duty is to give as much first aid care as they reasonably can by following the three Ps.

The Principles of First Aid

Outside of the 3 Ps of First Aid, there are other principles trained first aiders should follow when attending to an injury:

  1. Safety First: Ensure the environment is safe for both the first aider and the casualty.
  2. Rapid Response: Act quickly to prevent the casualty’s condition from worsening.
  3. Accurate Assessment: Conduct an initial ABC assessment (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) to determine an appropriate course of action.
  4. Effective Communication: Communicate with emergency services and reassure the casualty.
  5. Minimise Further Harm: Use correct techniques to avoid additional injuries and prevent infection.
  6. Keep Records: Record details of the incident and first aid actions for medical professionals.

Why First Aid Should Be a Priority in the Workplace

There were 36.8 million working days lost due to accidents and illnesses in the UK during 2021-22. Approximately 565,000 people were injured, and 123 people died at work, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Many of these incidents could have been avoided, or the harm suffered could have been less severe if the victim had received immediate first-aid care. Make first aid a priority to ensure you and your team know what to do if an emergency happens in your business.

Your Legal Obligations as an Employer

Suppose an employee is injured or falls gravely ill in your place of business. In that case, you are legally obligated to ensure they get immediate attention. This duty is outlined under the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.

While employers aren’t expected to provide first aid themselves, they must make sure their workplace has ‘adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, facilities and personnel’. This means some staff members must be trained as first aiders and understand essential first-aid treatments well.

Where to Find First Aid Training

Less than half of 2,000 UK workers surveyed by the charity St John Ambulance said they didn’t know if there was a trained first aider in their workplace.

The same survey also showed that 40% of respondents reported witnessing a serious accident at work requiring first aid treatment. More than a quarter of these incidents were reported to be life-threatening. Only one in four respondents said they felt confident they would know what to do in an emergency first aid situation.

First aid training will ensure you meet your health and safety legal obligations. Online first aid training is a great way to understand the concepts behind first aid and refresh your knowledge if you’re already a trained first aider.

Trainees completing a practical first aid training course learn crucial first aid skills such as dealing with someone who has suffered an electric shock, treating a cut or burn, and administering CPR. The knowledge they gain could make all the difference in an emergency situation. While virtual first aid training is not a replacement for practical first aid training, it serves a vital role in refreshing the knowledge of trained first aiders.

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