Near Miss Training in Industry

Course Name: Introduction to Effective Near Miss Reporting in Industry

Near Miss Training in Industry explains how effective near miss reporting (NMR) decisively improves safety performance within industrial settings. It also explores the nature of human error and dismantles the false idea that mistakes are only caused by incompetence. This understanding empowers workers to speak up and give constructive incident reports, enabling the success of your NMR system.

Course Details:

Single Module

Approximately 50 minutes

Online assessment

Access on mobile and laptop

IIRSM-approved certificate

Certificate valid for three years

Near Miss Training in Industry

Introduction to Effective Near Miss Reporting in Industry

£25.00 +VAT

Courses Price per Course
1 - 14 £25.00
15 - 24 £22.00
25 - 34 £20.00
35 - 44 £18.00
45 - 59 £15.00
60 - 69 £14.00
70 - 89 £12.00
90 - 99 £10.00
100 - 200 £9.50
Discount automatically applied at check-out

Learning Outcomes

Grasp how effective NMR elevates safety performance

Understand the worker’s role in productive NMR

Maximise learning opportunities by reviewing work success and failure

Identify “head traps” that lead to human error

Recognise how poor equipment or task design invites failure

Course Outline

This course contains the following sections:

Discusses how near misses serve as early warnings for potential accidents and highlights the role of effective reporting in successful safety management.

Examines the crucial role of learning from near misses in improving safety performance.

Explores how learning from success is also critical to any effective near miss reporting system.

Explains how human errors are inevitable to promote accurate, constructive incident reports from workers.

Explores the concept of headspace errors and common traps contributing to incidents such as multitasking, fatigue and groupthink.

Examines how work space error traps in equipment, environment and work systems contribute to mistakes.

Addresses the natural hesitation to report incidents and suggests ways to build psychological safety within teams and encourage accurate reporting.

Encourages a ‘perform to learn’ mindset where workers both complete tasks successfully and learn from their performance to make further improvements.

Why Is Near Miss Training in Industry Important?

Effective NMR allows managers to identify and fix safety failings before accidents occur. However, this only happens with accurate incident reporting from workers.

Unfortunately, it’s common for workers to avoid or water down reports because of concerns they will be blamed or seen as incompetent. A lack of transparency limits the potential of any NMR system. Root causes go unaddressed and any safety improvements are minimal.

Our Near Miss Training in Industry course examines factors in human error and helps workers recognise mistakes as opportunities to learn. Users are empowered to report near misses exactly as they happened, giving you the insights needed for lasting safety improvements.

why NMR for managers in industry important
Key Information

There are around 90 near misses for every accident that happens at work.

About Near Miss Training in Industry

A near miss is any unsafe incident where someone could have been hurt but escaped injury. Nearly every worker has experienced or witnessed this type of close call. Incident reports for these types of incidents are often unreliable. Workers are typically reluctant to admit fault or may feel reports are unnecessary since no one was harmed. This attitude fails to address underlying safety issues, making it likely incidents repeat or other unforeseen accidents happen.

Near Miss Training in Industry course gives workers an introduction to NMR and their role in it. It explores the factors that contribute to human error and explains how mistakes are vital learning opportunities. This awareness promotes accurate reporting and worker engagement, improving the performance of any NMR system.

What is Near Miss Training in Industry?

Throughout the course, users learn how effective NMR elevates safety performance by enabling meaningful improvements to work systems. Workers are empowered to speak up and give constructive incident reports to promote a culture of safety and continuous improvement.

This course helps users:

  • Recognise Near Miss Incidents as valuable learning opportunities
  • Report Near Misses Timely and Accurately for effective NMR systems
  • Promote a Culture of Safety and actively engage in safety initiatives
  • Understand how their NMR contributions can support safety and overall performance

Are You Aware of Your Responsibilities?

Employers are responsible for promoting a proactive safety culture within their organisations. Near miss reporting plays a vital role in accident prevention, revealing unsafe conditions before anyone gets hurt.

To effectively prevent accidents, employers must:

  • Set clear policies and procedures for near miss reporting
  • Train employees to identify and report near misses effectively
  • Create a culture where employees feel safe reporting incidents
  • Implement an efficient reporting system for near misses
  • Investigate near miss incidents effectively to reveal root causes
  • Act to control hazards and improve work systems based on report insights

The following key legislations reinforce these responsibilities:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA)
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR)
About Near Miss Training for Managers in Industry
Near misses for industry managers
NMR systems for industry managers
NMR for industry manager tools
effective NMR for industry managers
reporting near misses for industry managers
efficient reporting system for industry managers
investigating near miss incidents for industry managers
accurate NMR for industry managers
About Near Miss Training for Managers in Industry

Near Miss Training in Industry Certification

Near Miss Training in Industry Certification

End of Course Assessment

Users must complete an end-of-course assessment before earning their certification.

The end-of-course test is:

  • 100% online
  • Multiple choice

A score of 80% is required to pass the test.

What Does My Certificate Include?

The Near Miss Training in Industry course certificate includes the trainee’s name, company name, course name, date of completion, expiry date and name of the approval body.

An IIRSM-approved certificate will be available for download and printing instantly upon course completion.

Near Miss Training in Industry

Near Miss Training in Industry

£25.00 +VAT

1 Module

Approximately 50 minutes

Approved by IIRSM

Trusted by over 20,000 organisations in the UK

out of 5

Customer Feedback

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