How to Lead a Manual Handling Toolbox Talk

manual handling toolbox talk

How to Lead a Manual Handling Toolbox Talk

Manual handling injuries are common. Workers might be overconfident and attempt to lift too much, while others are undertrained and unfamiliar with safe techniques. Manual handling toolbox talks are one…
power zone manual handling

Using the Power Zone for Safer Manual Handling

Our bodies are not built for sustained manual handling. We didn’t evolve in warehouses and loading docks. Pushing, pulling and lifting boxes for hours on end is not natural behaviour,…
can manual handling be avoided completely

Can Manual Handling be Avoided Completely?

Can manual handling be avoided completely? Yes, and you’re legally required to do so whenever it’s practical. Any unavoidable manual handling must be risk assessed and managed to reduce injury…
what does elite stand for in moving and handling

What Does ELITE Stand For in Moving and Handling?

Moving and handling patients can be challenging. Workers need to protect themselves and patients from injury while maintaining the dignity of those being moved. Using the ELITE framework can help…