When is it Permissible to Paint a Ladder?

when is it permissible to paint a ladder

When is it Permissible to Paint a Ladder?

When is it permissible to paint a ladder? Never is the safest answer. Making an old ladder look new doesn’t make it safe, but that fresh paint of coat might…
how to use a roof ladder

How to Use a Roof Ladder at Work

Working at heights is dangerous. Using the right equipment is vital to staying safe. Roof ladders are made to give you stability and support on sloped surfaces. Whether you’re doing…
ladder hazards

8 Ladder Hazards Most Workers Miss

The more times you do something, the safer it seems. Do something 99 times without incident, and you won’t expect the 100th to be different. The same applies to ladders…
what is working at height

What Is Working at Height?

There are two possible answers to the question what is working at height? The first answer is obvious – it’s working above ground level. But the legal definition isn’t as…
What are Rules for Working at Height

What Are the Rules for Working at Height?

Falls from height are the leading cause of UK workplace fatalities. If your workplace isn’t following the working at height rules, you’re putting yourself and your team at risk. As…
Control for Working at Height

Working at Height Toolbox Talk

Falls from height are one of the most common causes of serious injuries and fatalities in UK workplaces. To avoid risks and protect yourself and your co-workers when working at…
Hazards of Working at Height

What Are the Hazards of Working at Height?

In Britain, working at height is the leading cause of workplace fatalities, according to the latest statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It’s also a significant contributor to…