Stress Management in Industry for Managers

Occupational stress significantly impacts employees’ well-being, health and productivity. It also contributes to sickness-related absences and high staff turnover, both substantial costs to employers. Managers must play a crucial role in protecting employees and organisations from this hazard.

This Stress Management in Industry for Managers course provides an understanding of stress in the industrial work environment. It equips managers with the knowledge and skills to effectively handle stress in the workplace to promote employees’ well-being, reduce absenteeism and improve overall productivity.

The Course Includes:

Comprehensive yet easy-to-follow explanations

Certificate on completion

Simple login & user access

The latest industry best practice

Learning Outcomes:

Gain an understanding of stress in industrial work environments

Learn how to identify the signs and nature of stress

Determine who may be harmed by stress and how

Develop skills to support employees suffering from work-related stress

Learn strategies for managing stress in the workplace

Explore strategies to control stress-related risks

This training course is certified by:

Stress Management in Industry for Managers

£25.00 +VAT

Courses Price per Course
1 - 14 £25.00
15 - 24 £22.00
25 - 34 £20.00
35 - 44 £18.00
45 - 59 £15.00
60 - 69 £14.00
70 - 89 £12.00
90 - 99 £10.00
100 - 200 £9.50

About Stress Management in Industry for Managers

Stress is a common hazard in industrial work environments that can affect employees’ physical and psychological well-being. This harm can result in increased absenteeism, reduced productivity and high staff turnover, limiting overall business performance.

This online training programme explores the manager’s role in managing stress within an industrial setting and offers strategies to effectively support employees. The course also empowers managers to take proactive measures to prevent stress and ensure optimal working conditions.

Why is Stress Management in Industry for Managers Important?

Stress-related absence from work is a significant problem for employers. There were 914,000 cases of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety in the UK in 2021/22, resulting in 17 million lost working days, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Looking at specific industries, Statistics from AXA’s Stress Index 2018 revealed that workers in industries including engineering, haulage and construction were some of the most stressed in the UK. Employees in these industries reported feelings of stress at least once in a typical work week and at rates far above other sectors such as education, IT and business services.

In fact, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics shows that construction workers are nearly four times more likely to commit suicide than those in other sectors, emphasising the pressing need to address stress-related issues in this industry.

These concerning figures highlight why employers must take steps to manage stress by ensuring better working conditions and undertaking thorough risk assessments. To achieve this, managers need the knowledge and skills to identify the signs of stress in their employees. They must also know how to implement stress management strategies and take a proactive approach to prevent sources of stress or anxiety in the workplace.

Are You Aware of Your Responsibilities?

According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employers are legally responsible for ensuring employees’ health and safety at work. This duty includes minimising the risks associated with stress-related illnesses or injuries.

Employers must ensure risk assessments account for potential workplace stressors and lead to effective control measures that minimise the impact of stress on their employees. Managers are most likely to undertake these risk assessments and assume responsibility for workplace stress management so must be properly equipped to effectively fulfil these duties.

Course Outline

Single Module

40+ minutes

This course contains the following sections:

Covers the fundamentals of stress, its severity, negative consequences, employers’ legal obligations, and how managers can identify stress in their employees.

Discusses hazard identification, potential harm assessment, stress control measures, and the process of recording and reviewing findings.

Addresses six common stressors at work: workplace demands, staff control over work, employee support, workforce relationships, understanding roles and workplace changes.

Why Choose Stress Management in Industry for Managers Training with Human Focus?

Study anytime & in bite-size sessions

More affordable than classroom training

Discounts on volume purchases

Excellent trainee support

Support employees facing stress-related challenges

Enhance worker productivity by mitigating stress in industrial settings

Ready to Get Started?

We have trained over thousands of organisations towards more
legislative compliance. Let us help your organisation too!

Stress Management in Industry for
Managers Certification

Stress Management in Industry for Managers Training Course Certificate

End of Course Assessment

At the end of the course, users must complete an end-of-course assessment before earning their certification.

The end-of-course test is:

  • 100% online
  • Multiple choice

A score of 80% is required to pass the test.

Approved Certification

The CPD-certified certificate will be available for download and printing instantly upon course completion.

What does my certificate include?

The Stress Management in Industry for Managers training certificate includes the trainee’s name, company name, course name, date of completion, expiry date and name of the approval body.

Customer Feedback

customer feedback

Got a question?

Give us a call on 01737 647 882 or Email us at

Our experts are on hand to assist either via email or phone. They are available Monday to Friday 9 am – 5.30 pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Managing stress offers numerous benefits, including improved physical health, mental well-being and relationships. In the workplace, stress management leads to higher job satisfaction, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism, benefitting both employees and employers.

To prevent stress in the workplace, you can take steps to create a positive work environment that promotes open communication, offers support and addresses common stressors. This course will help you develop the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve this and foster a healthier, stress-free and more productive work environment.

This course is specifically designed for managers who oversee teams or departments in an industrial setting. The course is ideal for plant managers, operations managers, production supervisors, quality control managers, health and safety managers, logistics and warehouse managers and construction site managers.

This training applies to all industry managers as stress is a workplace hazard prevalent in all industrial sectors.

The course covers the following sections:

  • Understanding Workplace Stress
  • Stress Risk Assessment
  • Six Aspects of Work Contributing to Stress

Our Stress Management in Industry for Managers training programme costs £25 +VAT.

Yes. After completing this training course, you can download your printable CPD-certified certificate.