A permit to work system is a standard method of ensuring compliance with agreed work arrangements. It does far more than simply providing permission to carry out a potentially dangerous job. It is an integral part of a system that determines how the job is safely performed and helps to communicate it to all concerned.
This awareness level course makes users aware of the importance of permit to work systems, as well as their roles and duties in this system. It provides guidance on how to carry out a job safely and effectively, communicate and report any issues while on the job.
Why Is Permit to Work Training Important?
Permits to work are vital for high-risk activities and those that may compromise existing safety procedures. Types of work requiring a permit to work system include electrical, hot work, certain lifting operations, work at height and confined space work activities. These all are tasks that require work permits to ensure the job is completed.
If you work in a high-risk industry, then it’s crucial that everyone understands the permit to work process and how it works.
Poorly managed work tasks or activities often lead to potential fatalities if there is an accident. There have been accidents involving maintenance and construction jobs that result from a failure of work permit systems, according to the Health and Safety Executive.
Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure permit to work systems are in place where required and adequate training has been provided.