Nearly 1.7 million people suffer from work-related illnesses and 0.6 million workers sustain a non-fatal injury every year, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Employers have a legal duty under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 to:
- Arrange appropriate first aid equipment
- Arrange appropriate first aid facilities
- Arrange skilled first aid personnel
- Inform and educate workers on the first-aid arrangements
Employers must provide appropriate and sufficient training to their staff to help them meet compliance and work competently in an emergency. This workplace first aid course is provided fully online. It reviews vital information that first aiders must be aware of.
Your obligation regarding First Aid at Work
Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, employers must provide acceptable and applicable first aid provision in the workplace. This is to ensure that workers receive immediate attention if they become injured or ill at work.
As part of their duties, employers must undertake an adequate risk assessment to recognise the first aid needs within the work premises. They should use this risk assessment to determine what level of first aid cover is required for their operations. Cover will include having the correct number of first aiders on site, providing an adequate number of first aid kits and providing required levels of first aider training.
Employers are also required to ensure that their first aid provisions are frequently reviewed and efficient to guarantee they remain applicable at work and during any changes in circumstances.
Training for all staff must also be provided to make sure everyone is aware of where first aid kits are located and know who the designated first aiders are at work. This information should be displayed in common locations on the premises, including the areas with a high risk of accidents or injuries.
This training offered to the workforce must be appropriate and sufficient as per the legal requirements to avoid any incident. This may include adequately training the staff on how to perform introductory life support, such as CPR and how to use automated external defibrillators (AEDs) if available.
Additionally, employers and responsible persons are required to ensure that they comply with all safety legislation and guidelines relating to first aid at work. This includes keeping up to date with any changes in these legislations, reviewing their first aid provisions and providing first aider courses on a regular base to assure that they remain operative and effective
This awareness level training course is intended for any staff member who would like to review or gain an awareness of first aid procedures. It works through a variety of first aid situations and looks at the recommended best response. The purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of safety measures and an effective approach in case of an emergency.
While this course does provide an awareness of first aid, it is not a substitute for practical, competency-based training. The government recommends that qualified first aiders review, or refresh, their training at least once per year. Online first aid course is designed to help fulfil this recommendation.