Designated Safeguarding Lead – Adults Training

Anyone taking on the responsibilities of a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) must complete training to develop the knowledge needed to lead on safeguarding issues, guide colleagues and ensure their organisation adheres to the highest safeguarding standards.

This training course provides a comprehensive understanding of the role and responsibilities of a DSL supervising adult safeguarding. You’ll be able to ensure vulnerable adults in your care are respected, safe and supported. You’ll also develop the knowledge to handle disclosures, establish safeguarding procedures and provide training for colleagues.

The Course Includes:

Comprehensive yet easy-to-follow explanations

Certificate on completion

Simple login and user access

The latest industry best practice

Learning Outcomes:

Understand the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead

Learn advanced strategies for assessing and managing risks for vulnerable adults

Understand legal obligations and ethical considerations surrounding safeguarding vulnerable adults

Recognise different forms of harm, including abuse, neglect and exploitation

Know how to maintain records of safeguarding concerns and actions taken

Develop a commitment to ongoing learning and improvement in adult safeguarding practices

This training course is certified by:

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Adults

£95.00 +VAT

Courses Price per Course
1 - 5 £95.00
6 - 10 £87.50
11 - 20 £80.00

About Designated Safeguarding Lead Training

In-depth training is required for all designated safeguarding leads. This online course develops an enhanced understanding of adult safeguarding and qualifies trainees to take on the role of a DSL.

Building on the fundamentals covered in Level 1 and 2 training, this course delves deeper into advanced safeguarding concepts and practices. This level of knowledge prepares you to take on the additional responsibilities of a designated safeguarding lead. Trainees will develop the knowledge and skills to take on senior safeguarding roles within various settings, including education, healthcare and public services.

Why is Designated Safeguarding Lead Training Important?

There were 541,535 abuse concerns raised during 2021-22, an increase of 9% compared to the previous year, according to NHS statistics. The figures show that adult abuse and neglect are increasing at a faster rate than seen before, with safeguarding cases rising by an average of 8% for the past four years.

This training course helps ensure the health, dignity and human rights of all adults, especially those at risk due to age, disability or other vulnerabilities. It empowers DSLs with the skills and knowledge to address abuse concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of individuals under their care. Trainees learn how to recognise signs of abuse, respond effectively and uphold the highest safeguarding standards within their organisation.

Are you Aware of Your Responsibilities?

Designated safeguarding leads are ultimately accountable for safeguarding within their organisation. Every safeguarding lead must have completed Level 3 training to ensure they have the knowledge to fulfil this responsibility.

DSLs must also understand the Care Act 2014, which outlines legislation regarding adult social care in England. The act establishes a comprehensive framework for the protection of vulnerable adults and outlines the responsibilities of local authorities and other parts of the health and care system.

These legal responsibilities are underpinned by six key principles all safeguarding professionals must follow:

  • Empowerment – Enable vulnerable adults to make their own decisions and inform outcomes as much as possible
  • Prevention – Recognise the most at risk and take appropriate action as early as possible to prevent harm, such as training staff or educating vulnerable adults on abuse prevention
  • Proportionality – Determine and follow the least intrusive course of action while still upholding their duties
  • Protection – Recognise that support and advocacy of vulnerable individuals is paramount
  • Partnerships – Work with others in the community to ensure the best possible outcomes
  • Accountability – Accept responsibility for actions, explain the rationale and admit when mistakes have been made

Designated safeguarding leads must be able to confidently uphold these principles as well as assist safeguarding enquiries or investigations, which are legislated under section 42 of the Care Act. These enquiries are often complex and require an in-depth understanding of legislation and best practice to avoid legal issues and ensure the best possible outcome for the vulnerable adult in question.

DSLs must also guide and support their colleagues in their safeguarding duties. They are also responsible for ensuring all staff and visitors follow safeguarding procedures and keeping their organisation compliant with legislation.

This training course prepares DSLs to take on these duties and protect the health, dignity and human rights of the adults in their care.

Course Outline

Five Modules

Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Provides an overview of safeguarding, its role, key legislation and safeguarding bodies, as well as the role of the safeguarding lead.

Explores measures to ensure vulnerable adults’ safety such as safer recruitment, background checks, awareness training and necessary policies and procedures.

Provides an understanding of discipline and grievances, related duties and responsibilities and steps for discipline and grievance procedures.

Addresses types and forms of abuse in specific situations, signs of abuse and prevention strategies.

Discusses how to manage disclosures, handle referrals, document confidential information and provide support to victims.

Why Choose Designated Safeguarding Lead Training with Human Focus?

Study anytime and in bite-size sessions.

More affordable than classroom training

Discounts on volume purchases

Excellent trainee support

Understand the legal obligations surrounding adult safeguarding

Develop the necessary knowledge and understanding to hold a DSL position

Ready to Get Started?

We have trained over thousands of organisations towards more
legislative compliance. Let us help your organisation too!

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Adults
Training Certification

Designated Safeguarding Lead Adults Training Certification

End of Course Assessment

At the end of the course, users must complete an assessment before earning their certification.

The end-of-course test is:

100% online
Multiple choice

A score of 80% is required to pass the test.

Approved Certification

The CPD-certified certificate will be available for download and printing instantly upon course completion.

What does my certificate include?

The training certificate includes the trainee’s name, company name, course name, completion date, expiration date, and name of the approval body.

Customer Feedback

customer feedback

Got a question?

Give us a call on 01737 647 882 or Email us at

Our experts are on hand to assist either via email or phone. They are available Monday to Friday 9 am – 5.30 pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be a designated safeguarding lead for adults, you need comprehensive training in designated safeguarding lead or the equivalent, along with relevant experience in a safeguarding role.

Safeguarding leads should undergo regular refresher training. DSLs should do this at a minimum of every two years to ensure they stay updated on best practices and legal changes, although more frequent refresher training is recommended.

Yes. Designated safeguarding leads must have completed equivalent Safeguarding Lead training. Training requirements for other roles vary but all individuals working with vulnerable adults must have sufficient safeguarding training and knowledge to do so.

Not everyone can be a safeguarding lead. Anyone looking to be a DSL must have a high level of safeguarding knowledge and have completed Designated Safeguarding Lead – Adults training. They must also be able to demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding principles, be able to act safely and support others.