iosh sed

Regular Price: £175 + VAT per trainee

Special Offer: £125 + VAT per trainee – Offer valid from 12 April to 18 April 2021

Prices vary depending on dates & ongoing offers. Contact Us for details.

The IOSH Safety Executives and Directors is a market-leading course that provides a thorough understanding of the health and safety responsibilities of upper management. This course outlines key areas such as legal duties, leading from the top, what control measures must be in place, and how to build a proactive health and safety system.

Guided learning time: 6 hours

This health and safety online course offers the flexibility to stop and pick up study whenever it’s convenient. HD quality video, a virtual tutor to support learning and an IOSH-certificate make this course an excellent investment.

Structure of IOSH Safety Training Course for Executives & Directors

The training consists of a theory module and an end-of-course practical project.


The course comprises five modules:

The Moral, Legal & Financial Case

This module examines the high costs, legal implications, and moral consequences of failing to prioritise health and safety from the top.


This module explains how to put in place a health and safety policy, an organisational system to identify risks, and the need for systems for employee consultation.


This module explores the significance and means of effective communication in all directions across an organisation. It also examines the importance of engaging the employees, meeting health and safety standards, and the provision of health and safety training for employees.


This module takes a look at the health and safety auditing and monitoring process. It also highlights proactive and reactive reporting measures and provides information on how to obtain adequate management information for the organisation.


This module highlights the key elements required to establish high standards of corporate governance. It also explores the need for continual improvement in health and safety standards.


The end-of-course assessment asks learners to use their understanding of the course content and apply it to their roles and organisations. This involves creating a clear action plan addressing your health and safety needs and outlining the steps necessary to implement. Practical assessments will be reviewed by health and safety professionals.