Content Builder

Create your own online content

  • Create e-Learning courses from your materials and our certified content
  • Turn your inspection and audit forms into digital checklists, or modify any of our ready-to-use forms
  • A simple, intuitive authoring module that requires no special skills
Create your own content

Meaningful Compliance –
Our experts will help you create online content that’s aligned to your organization’s risk management system

meaningful compliance

Why opt for bespoke e-Learning?

As an e-learning company, we don’t just provide high quality off-the-shelf health & safety courses, we also support you in building your own interactive content. For training solutions to have real results in the workplace, they must be specific to your needs and designed to build skills and change behaviour in practice. This is why Bespoke e-Learning content that is relevant to your business is so vital.

Our content builder tool allows you to upload images, videos, documents and presentations as you create your custom e-learning course, storing everything in one place. Our content tool provides you with a management system designed to minimise the need for multiple applications and folders.

Our Bespoke e-learning solutions will help you to achieve the results you need to keep your workers healthy and safe, maintain compliance and lower costs. With the Human Focus easy-to-use course creator, upload and drag and drop interface, bespoke e-learning has never been easier.

bespoke elearning

Content Builder

A simple system to publish your own e-Learning courses

Enable colleagues to share their knowledge
Publish your documents online
content tool
Automatically verify learning
Post classroom courses online
Easily manage records
Capitalise on what you already know

When it comes to health and safety, employees know the most. They know what works and doesn’t in the workplace, and what really happens. Our course builder is designed to capitalise on this organisational knowledge, allowing workers to record, explain and share exactly how health and safety works in practice. Our e-learning library let’s you easily have this data on hand for any training or induction needs.

Create your own virtual training library

Integrated with our tailored e-learning solutions, our learning management system provides a streamlined the system for collecting, storing and distributing vital documents. Simply upload and publish your documents using course builder in 5 easy steps:

  1. Click on upload document
  2. Give your file a title
  3. Drag and drop or upload your document by the browse file option
  4. Add tags in order to locate your documents easily
  5. Click save
Easily manage records

With the help of our records management system, you can easily keep notes of all your health and safety compliance e-learning  evidence. Maintaining thorough records of  Compliance e-learning is essential to avoiding costly fines and claims. Compared to other compliance e-learning providers, our certifications and record management system is simple, easy to use and proven to work.

Post classroom courses online

Creating an e-learning course using our content builder tool helps you to create high-quality, relevant content that is easy to upload, easy to assign to your employees and easy to track.

Create videos, upload documents and collect assessment data. Then see how your staff is progressing individually and collectively, including the time invested in each course and rate of completion.

Automatically verify learning

Our bespoke e-learning solutions allow you to verify training and progress via our integrated records management system. You will be able to verify and analyse learning, gaps and progress in each course, including success rate and rate of completion. Automatic notification allows you to ensure employees stay up to date, informing staff anytime one of your tailored e-learning courses has been updated, requesting staff to retake the course.


Human Focus Content Builder – The best investment for clients, says RJ Lifts

Human Focus Content Builder - the best investment for clients, says RJ Lifts

RJ Lifts is a mid-scale company that specialises in a variety of  maintenance, repairs and supplies services. A long-term client of Human Focus International, RJ Lifts embraced bespoke e-learning via our Content Builder tool after making extensive use of our off-the-shelf content. In their experience, the Human Focus Content Builder has boosted employer/employee discretion, time management, skills and knowledge.

We spoke to RJ Lifts’ Risk Manager about their thoughts on the content tool. How has it gone?

“So far, we are good. I had planned to build many learning programmes for my team but couldn’t due to the pandemic and its after-effects. However, as much as I did make use of it – we have had quite a strong start without any issues, at the moment. Some of the phone models don’t support the format but there’s always a way around it. The team seems to actually focus on learning whatever they are sent – so yes, no problem”

Comparing before and after

RJ Lifts has around 127 employees all over the country. Before getting our Content Builder they were managing the training courses themselves. How does before compare to now?

“We used to do it face to face and share it with everyone as a toolbox talk via a Whatsapp group. We also had a dropbox system where we would upload all the files and let the guys know. Sometimes, we had a call to discuss everything that they read. Our employees are dotted all around the country despite us having only one office in Stoke-on-Trent. We couldn’t go see everyone”.

They had no way of checking accountability – knowing if employees actually had done the uploaded toolbox talk, or only wrote that they had.

“We weren’t able to discuss every toolbox talk with every person and got proof of knowledge and understanding which made the task very big you know it was almost too big of a task. It got too complicated and then you got to keep a log of who you spoke to and what you discussed.”

Now, using the Content Builder Tool, they have detailed data and evidence for each training course, including who passed or failed it, and even how long it took them. Our system has truly made their lives easier.

Records Management

With the Content Builder RJ Lifts started designing their own courses, toolbox talks and even risk assessments, integrated with a verification system to ensure that each task was fully completed.

The knowledge test offered by Human Focus International helped relay the results and enhance employee knowledge. “With your knowledge questions at the end proving understanding and if someone actually took the time to do it and that was the big turnaround, and I’m in love with the new Reporting system,” RJ Lift’s representative told us.

Thanks to the e-Learning tool any change to how things or done can be included in the course, which will then automatically notify staff that they need to retake it. This helps them stay ahead of their competitors, confident that their team is updated with the latest information and legal guidance.

Clear requirements of accountability have also boosted success. Knowledge tests set at 80-90% to pass, as set by RJ Lifts, and a required e-signature, ensure only employees who retain the knowledge can do the job.

Masterclass Benefits: Better Understanding

Human Focus International offered a free masterclass to help our clients with simple tips and tricks to speed up and make the most of Human Focus Content Builder. A representative from RJ Lifts participated and offered this feedback.

“Ian managed to give a few tips with the help of which one can build a training course in a few hours rather than days. The masterclass showed us how to do it all and also offered us the CGI content via dropbox later on. It has been really valuable because it helps in understanding the essence of the entire class.”

Now, RJ Lifts can make short, bite-size training courses in 5 to 10 minute chunks, designed to keep workers engaged. Creating an e-Learning course using the Human Focus Content Builder has reduced their workload significantly, and shifted the entire health and safety training dynamic.

RJ Lift recommends Human Focus International

RJ Lifts initially utilised courses from Human Focus International’s off-the-shelf catalogue, which covered areas such as Work at Height and Manual Handling and Risk Assessments to meet their general legal requirements. As time passed, the company decided to make training specific to their business. The Content Builder has allowed them to do just that.

RJ Lifts recommends our brand 100%. Why? Because it has had a positive impact on their business. Not only does it facilitate building skills that are relevant to their team and ensuring accountability of their workforce, it also streamlines the entire process. You can manipulate the Human Focus system to do whatever you want it to. Send a message to the entire team – so it’s bringing everybody together and making sure everyone’s had the same training and everyone is up to the same standard,” said an RJ Lifts representative.

Another aspect RJ Lifts team appreciates is how our tool supports the induction process. Course work is simply assigned during the onboarding process. This ensures all new employees have the same level of knowledge level as the existing team, and no gaps are missed.

Closing Statement

RJ Lifts commented that Human Focus International brought them what they were looking for.

They didn’t want to use multiple systems, or lose time shuffling papers. Making a team of busy engineers hop between 5 different apps overly complicates a process that can be simple. Human Focus International offers a solution that isn’t confusing. It allows them to spend their time on what matters, providing the relevant information to do the job safely At the same time, the team itself is responsive and accountable.

“A lot of people provide the generic side of health and safety training courses what they don’t allow you to do is use the tools that you guys offer to create our own custom training. This is allowing us to do what ‘we’ want and this is something we will keep building up and growing.” – RJ Lifts

Content Builder App

Online authoring tool enables you to easily post and publish documents online as interactive e-Learning courses.

Create tailored e-learning courses yourself with the help of our ready-to-go templates or work with our team to create bespoke e-learning solutions. You can create as much custom e-learning content as you require and add them to your subscribed Human Focus e-learning library.


Capture Videos

The Human Focus mobile application enables you to create your own health and safety online training materials quickly and easily. After recording targeted training skills, our simple interface enables you to edit content, convert images to video and adjust or overlay audio. All materials are stored in the cloud on our system, accessible to trainees at any time.


3D Video Animations

Get a 3D animated video created to insert into your presentations and compliance e-learning courses. This e-learning tool is ideal for recreating accidents and near misses in your organisation.


Create Presentations

Content Builder PowerPoint Toolkit to help create engaging presentations.


PowerPoint Production Toolkit

An organisation can easily create presentation slides as shown in the images with the help of training provided in Toolkit use. Alternatively, Human Focus International can also produce such presentation slides for you! The PowerPoint Toolkit provides a wide range of workplace backgrounds, workers, equipment and signs.

elearning tool
bespkoe elearning solutions

Post Documents

Publish your documents online as an e-Learning course using the Content Builder app.

The Benefits of Content Builder


Improve compliance

Transform policy into short online learning programmes and
automatically track who has read and understood them


Raise safety standards

Highlight issues specific to organisations
such as accident case studies and risk controls


Improve task-specific training

Go beyond inconsistent word-of-mouth instruction to
consistent online learning specific to each task


Enhance learning from accidents

Publish short reports of accidents and near misses to
highlight operational improvements


Capture critical knowledge

Enable colleagues to easily contribute their task
specific learning to training programmes


Implement compliant standards e.g. ISO 45001

A key aspect of numerous international standards is the effective
documentation and communication for your operational systems –
Content Builder tool can make this process far easier and more effective

3 Levels of Content Support Service

To help you create engaging learning content to publish via Content Builder we offer three support services.


Self-help Service

We provide you with full training and tools to enable you to post your learning content online


Assisted Service

You produce your own learning content with assistance from our team of learning production specialists


Bespoke Service

We will handle all aspects of creating and publishing your learning content online

Content Builder and Support Services Pricing

1 - 24 Users



per User per Annum

25 - 49 Users



per User per Annum

50 - 74 Users



per User per Annum

75 - 99 Users



per User per Annum

Larger Purchase



Support Services

bronze-bespoke-learning-by-human-focus silver-bespoke-learning-by-human-focus gold-bespoke-learning-by-human-focus
Training course

Learn to build engaging content online

bespoke-learning-by-human-focus bespoke-learning-by-human-focus bespoke-learning-by-human-focus
PowerPoint Production Toolkit

Ready-to-go templates

bespoke-learning-by-human-focus bespoke-learning-by-human-focus bespoke-learning-by-human-focus
Video App

Create and edit videos

  bespoke-learning-by-human-focus bespoke-learning-by-human-focus
Administration Support

Publish documents for e-Learning courses

3D Video Animations

Illustrate 3D content for better engagement

£500 per animation
Content Production

Human Focus created customised courses

£45 per PPT Slide
+VAT per annum
Price dependent on project Price dependent on project

Save lives, build skilled behaviour, implement performance enhancing habits in your workplace