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Training Course 01

Sexual Harassment Awareness
Study Time: 30+ minutes

This online training course ensures that all employees are aware of what sexual harassment is and why it’s not tolerated.

Course Content

What is Sexual Harassment?

The Law

The Consequences

How it Occurs

Unacceptable Defences

Identifying Sexual Harassment (Case Studies)

What to do if you Experience Sexual Harassment


This online course develops a greater awareness of:

What constitutes sexual harassment at work

Legal and personal consequences of sexual harassment

Where sexual harassment often happens

Unacceptable defences for sexual harassment

Steps to take if sexual harassment is experienced or witnessed at work

Preventive strategies that stop sexual harassment before it happens

sexual harassment training

Training Course 02

Anti-Bribery & Corruption
Study Time: 30+ minutes

This course provides an essential understanding of what bribery and corruption is and the duties that employers and employees have to prevent it.

Course Content

What is bribery and corruption?

The four offences

Active bribery

Passive bribery

Bribing a foreign official

Failure to prevent bribery

The six principles of the bribery prevention

What do you need to know?

What are the signs of bribery?

Why does it matter?

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Main reasons why bribery and corruption occur

Key principles of the UK Bribery Act 2010

Legal responsibilities in the workplace

How to mitigate the risk of bribery and corruption in the workplace

1000x667-Bribery&Corruption (1)

Training Course 03

Bullying & Harassment
Study Time: 30+ minutes

This training course provides practical steps and guidance to help prevent, identify and handle bullying and harassment at work.

Course Content

What is bullying and harassment?

The causes & effects of bullying & harassment

Identifying bullying & harassment

First steps in dealing with a problem

How to resolve bullying & harassment

Formal procedures


This online course develops a greater awareness of:

What bullying and harassment is

Causes of bullying and harassment

Responsibilities of employers regarding bullying and harassment at work

How to identify this problem and deal with it

Formal procedures and the preventive measures


Training Course 04

Discipline & Grievance – Awareness
Study Time: 20+ minutes

This online training programme provides awareness level training on how discipline and grievance procedures operate in the workplace with an emphasis on seeking informal resolution first.

Course Content

What is discipline & grievance?

Duties & responsibilities

Disciplinary procedures

Grievance procedures

Formal procedures

Final outcomes

This new online course develops a greater awareness of:

Roles and responsibilities

Seeking informal resolutions where applicable

How informal resolutions work

Steps to formal disciplinary procedures

Steps to formal grievance procedures

Possible outcomes of these types of procedures


Training Course 05

Effective Communication Principles in Offices
Study Time: 25+ minutes

The course teaches trainees how to communicate effectively in offices. It looks at simple tips to help employees listen and  communicate effectively at work.

Course Content

Communication aspects

How you act

Listening skills

Empathy and understanding decisions

How you speak

Methods of communication

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Keys to effective business communication

Ways to communicate static & dynamic information effectively

Ways to develop solid and positive working relationships


Training Course 06

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training
Study Time: 25+ minutes

This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training course provides staff with a greater awareness of what these terms mean and why we must prioritise them in the workplace.

Course Content

Understanding the concepts

Bullying, harassment & discrimination

How it happens

Unacceptable defences

Tackling unconscious bias

Where you come in

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Ways to treat everyone equally without discrimination

Ways to respond and report any discrimination or inequality

Ways to reduce the likelihood of discrimination to create the ideal workplace

How to mitigate the risk of bribery and corruption in the workplace


Training Course 07

GDPR Awareness
Study Time: 25+ minutes

This online training examines the fundamental principles of GDPR and practical ways to handle data with confidentiality and integrity.

Course Content

What is data protection?

Understanding GDPR

7 principles that underpin GDPR

User rights

Your data protection responsibilities

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

GDPR regulation and it’s seven key principles

Key terms related to GDPR

Security under GDPR

Individual rights under the GDPR

What personal data is and best practice to protect it

Consequences of non-compliance


Training Course 08

Data Security Awareness
Study Time: 35+ minutes

The programme is designed to raise awareness about key concepts of data security, effective information security practices and ways to combat security breaches.

Course Content

What is data protection?

Data security levels

Your data protection responsibilities

Physical security

Data security & mobile work

Personal internet use

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Key terms related to data security

General data protection responsibilities

Why data security is critical

Data security levels

Mobile and laptop data security measures

Email and browsing best practice in the workplace


Training Course 09

Cyber Security Awareness
Study Time: 25+ minutes

This online course helps trainees to recognise cyber threats, avoid potentially harmful actions and take appropriate steps to protect organisation’s confidential information from cyber criminals.

Course Content

Software threats

Social threats

Malware security measures

Social security measures

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Types of threats to cyber security

Social threats and how this works

Ways to protect yourself against malware attacks

Ways to avoid phishing and other social engineering cyber attacks

Ways to spot potential malware behaviours and report possible security threats

Cyber hygiene to encounter cyber attacks


Training Course 10

Modern Slavery – Awareness
Study Time: 30+ minutes

This online training provides an understanding of what modern slavery is, how to spot it and what actions to take if you do.

Course Content

Understanding modern slavery

The legal background

How modern slavery happens

Human trafficking & forced criminality

Labour exploitation

Domestic servitude

Sexual exploitation

How to spot modern slavery

What you can do

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Modern slavery and its different forms

Legal parameters of modern slavery

Organisation-level solutions for the prevention of modern slavery

Signs of modern slavery

Ways to seek help from an appropriate or authorised source


Training Course 11

Menopause Awareness
Study Time: 20+ minutes

This online training provides an understanding of menopause, its symptoms and how it can affect women at work.

Course Content

Understand menopause

Duties & responsibilities



What we can do

This online course develops a greater awareness of:

Legal duties & responsibilities

Symptoms of menopause

Workplace obstacles menopause can create

Steps to support menopausal employees

Necessary adjustments to ensure a safe workplace

menopause awareness training