Online Driver Risk Profiler

Cutting edge interactive video assessment provides accurate information about your drivers and their training needs

Identify more accurately drivers who are at risk of accidents –

A research-backed tool with proven efficacy

Reports that you can trust –

Developed in partnership with Professor David Crundall – the leading road safety research scientist at Nottingham Trent University

Special Offer: £10 + VAT per assessment
Full Price: £25 + VAT per assessment
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Got a question?
Give us a call on 01737 647 882 or Email us at

Our trained advisors are on hand to assist either via email or phone.  They are available Monday to Friday 9 am – 5.30 pm

Format of this Driver Risk Profiler Tool:

Online e-learning – video assessment

Study time – approx. 15 minutes

Interactive course – highly engaging videos showing driving scenarios

Mobile enabled – take anytime, anywhere

End of course report that outlines the driver’s hazard awareness score and areas for improvement

Full training records for compliance – e.g. date, time, record of end of course test etc.

Objectives of this Driver Risk Assessment:

This online risk profiler will:

Assess the trainee’s driving hazard awareness abilities

Help them to improve their driving hazard awareness abilities

Help you target additional training at those drivers who are at increased risk

Driver Risk Profiler Course Content

The driver risk profiler training course consists of the following two sections:
Section 1 – Hazard Comprehension and Projection

The first section consists of 10 short videos based on driving scenes. Each video is approximately 10 seconds long. After each video, the trainees will be asked a question about what they saw.

Section 2 – Hazard Perception

The second section contains 10 still images of different driving scenes. These images will appear for a short time, approximately for a quartet of a second. After each image is shown, the trainee will be asked a question related to it.

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Benefits of Driver Risk Profiler Course Online

Short online exercise – 15 minutes of duration time

Available anywhere and anytime

Improves trainees ability to identify possible driving hazards

Provides convenient learning experience via the Human Focus Learning Management System (LMS)

The LMS allows trainees to keep a record of their training progress, which allows them to complete the training at their favourable time

Generates driver hazard awareness report that highlights the trainees’ ability to identify driving hazards

Why do you need this Driver Risk Profiler tool?

Work-related driving is probably one of the highest risks to your organisation. The insurance, business interruption, and management time associated with road accidents is considerable.

The Work-Related Road Safety Task Group UK estimates that a third of all reported road accidents involve someone who is driving for work purposes. This may account for over 20 causalities and 250 injuries per week.

According to the 2016 report of Labour Force Survey, over 72,000 road accidents occurred in the UK that involved people who were driving for work.

Legal Responsibilities

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers must ensure workers’ safety as much as possible. The law applies to the work activities on the road in the same way as other workplace activities.

This driver risk profiler online course helps organisations identify the employees’ capability to recognise and handle driving hazards. The course can proved to be an effective recruitment exercise to ensure employees fit the required driving profile.