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Training Course 01
This course takes a look at the changes that were introduced, which involved a hierarchy of road users, changes for how drivers should respond to pedestrians and cyclists, and mobile phone use to help driver drive safely and legally.
Course Content
This online course develops a greater awareness of:
Training Course 02
Section 1 – Hazard Comprehension & Projection
The first section consists of 10 short videos of driving scenes that highlight potentially hazardous situations. After each video, the trainee’s understanding and hazard perception are tested based on the video’s content.
Section 2 – Hazard Perception
The second section contains 10 still images of driving scenes. These images appear in a split second. After each image is shown, the trainee will be asked a question related to it.
This online course develops a greater awareness of:
Training Course 03
This online course explores various common factors that contribute to work-related road accidents. It further examines essential safety measures to reduce the risks of accidents and injuries while driving.
Course Content
This new online course develops a greater awareness of:
Training Course 04
The course explores different types of distractions that affect a driver’s focus. It further explains how poor journey planning and fatigue can result in greater risk of road accidents.
Course Content
This online course develops a greater awareness of:
Training Course 05
This online course provides step by step guidance on daily independent vehicle inspections. It explains the legal requirements and provides information that any employee operating a car must be aware of.
Course Content
This online course develops a greater awareness of:
The vehicle inspection training course helps demonstrate to an organisation and its drivers how to perform daily vehicle inspections. This course comes with a free e-Checklist, which takes users step-by-step through the vehicle inspection process, while ensuring it is recorded.
Free Vehicle Inspection Check Digital Checklist
Note: The e-Checklist licence is free for one year. This offer is for one Vehicle Inspection e-Checklist licence per trainee who completes this course.
This e-Checklist licence is for their use and cannot be transferred or shared by other users.